We offer individualized, strategic, science-based wellness solutions tailor-made for you by Dr. Jaz Robbins, a board-certified holistic nutritionist. Using an integration of key health pillars including hormone balance, gut health, sleep hygiene, and exercise science, we help our clients achieve their personalized nutritional wellness goals. Our wellness coaching services are intentionally designed to be “education-forward” to ensure that our clients are able to maintain the goals that they work so hard to reach. If you are looking to lose five pounds for an event in two weeks, we are likely not the place for you as we tend to lean on interventions that promote long-term, sustainable change versus quick fixes.
All wellness coaching services are provided through Active Experience Wellness.
Strategic Health Coaching
Work one-on-one with Dr. Jaz to bio-hack your weight loss. Based on your bioindividuality, current health, and weight loss goals, she will devise a plan to help you lose the weight, educate you on the unique needs of your body, and train you to adopt practices that keep the weight from returning.
Work one-on-one with Dr. Jaz to identify the root cause(s) of your skin health challenges. You will learn how to stay clear of the toxins that cause inflammation while also using and consuming ingredients that promote radiance.
Work one-on-one with Dr. Jaz to determine your nutrient deficiencies, how to balance the health of your gut microbiome, and/or how to balance your hormonal wellness in order to sustain your personalized nutrition goals.
All coaching services are offered virtually.

Contact us to schedule a free 20-minute consultation to discuss your needs.
Office: (323) 317-7272
Email: info@activeexperience.com